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VEAR Into the Future: How Augmented Reality Can Bring Value to Destinations - Upcoming Lunch & Learn Webinar:

Apr 9, 2024

VEAR Into the Future: How Augmented Reality Can Bring Value to Destinations

Wednesday, April 10 at 12:00 pm E.T.

Jake Buganski, VP of Client Engagement at Fourth Idea will discuss the emergence of augmented reality as an "idea whose time has come" for destinations. A history of the technology and its capabilities will be presented, as well as examples of practical applications and implementation strategies for DMOs.

We will demonstrate:

  • How augmented reality can bring value to destinations in ways only a DMO can provide
  • Why now is the time to consider adding this type of content to your marketing plans
  • How the promotional value of augmented reality programming pays dividends

Key Takeaways:

  • Learn how augmented reality allows DMOs to create new tourism products more quickly and with less effort than other types of product development
  • Discover how the barriers to entry for this technology are gone and useability concerns have been eliminated!

Jake Buganski

VP of Client Engagement


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