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RECAP: Navigating the 2024 Media Landscape: Collaborative Marketing Strategies for Destinations and Attractions

Mar 19, 2024

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NYSTIA Lunch & Learn Webinar #8 Recap:

During last week's Lunch & Learn Webinar, Seth Orozco from Sojern presented his topic: Navigating the 2024 Media Landscape: Collaborative Marketing Strategies for Destinations and Attractions.

Some insights from the webinar: 

  • Who is Sojern?
    • Sojern is a marketing platform that uses data to run  digital marketing campaigns for the travel industry.
    • Partnered with 500+ DMO's globally.
  • The State of Destination Marketing 2024 Report
    • A first-of-its-kind report based on a survey of 300+ global destination marketers.
    • The report is organized into strategy & Performance, Media Landscape, Data & Insights and Emerging trends. 
    • An example is research found that more than 40% of City Tourism, regional, local or Municipal, National Tourism, State Tourism and other organizations have fewer than 10 employees.  
  • Media Landscape
    • Prioritize Clear KPI's through understanding the impact and seeing which channels/campaigns drive the most results. 
    • Experiment with New Channels to reach new audiences and tell stories in a more engaging way.
    • Stay Up-to-date with the constant changes, stay competitive and take advantage of new opportunities. 
  • Co-Op Marketing Program for Destinations and Partners
    • Co-Op Marketing is two or more organizations leveraging marketing dollars in a combined effort to increase visitors business.
    • A Co-Op Program is when a DMO teams up with other DMOs, local hotels, attractions, restaurants, festivals, airlines, etc. to pool resources in order to have an outsized impact from their advertising.
    • 78% of DMO's globally are actively investing in campaigns with industry partners. 
  • Why is Co-Op Marketing a priority for DMO's?
    • Helps resource-constrained tourism businesses tap into larger marketing efforts.
    • Allows partners to work together to invest in bigger campaign budgets. 
    • Reaches a larger audience.
    • Reduces challenges linked to campaign reporting.

We would like to give our sincere thanks to Seth Orozco for providing his time and valuable insights on Navigating the 2024 Media Landscape. You can learn more about Sojern by visiting their website.

You can watch the video recording below, and view his presentation slide deck here.