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RECAP: Getting Started with Marketing Automation

Apr 5, 2024

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NYSTIA Lunch & Learn Webinar #11 Recap:

During last week's Lunch & Learn Webinar, Bren Jobe from Corporate Communications presented his topic: Corporate Communications, Getting Started with Marketing Automation. 

Some Insights from the webinar:

  • What is Marketing Automation?
    • A software that handles routine marketing tasks without the need for human action
      • Examples: email marketing, behavioral targeting, lead prioritization, personalized advertising
  • Finding the value in Marketing Automation
    • Drives more leads
    • Converts leads to sales
    • Optimizes your entire funnel
  • Statistics about Marketing Automation
    • The marketing automation market size is an estimated $6.9B in 2024
    • 71% of marketers are actively using Marketing Automation for email marketing
    • 61% of companies cite lead generation as their most important strategic goal
    • 94% of marketers say personalization is critical to boost sales
  • Features & Functionality for every need
    • Email marketing
    • Landing pages and forms
    • Visitor ID and lead generation
    • Campaign management
    • Prediction and scoring
    • CRM integration
    • Social marketing
    • Marketing analytics
  • Shifting from Manual to Automated
    • Send tailed marketing emails to target audiences
    • Easily create new landing pages specific to each campaign
    • Prepare all of your event communication before it starts
    • Rank potential leads based on different attributes and data points
    • Filter and segment leads by level of interest
    • Measure revenue contribution by program
  • Ensuring your Success
    • Define your goals
    • Research potential solutions
    • Understand your audience
    • Map your customer journey
    • Create your content strategy
    • Testing, adjusting refining

We would like to give our sincere thanks to Bren Jobe for providing his time and valuable insights on Corporate Communications, Getting Started with Marketing Automation. You can learn more about Corporate Communications by visiting their website

The recording will be posted as soon as possible and you can view the presentation slide deck here.