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RECAP: Generating ROI with International Students/Workers

May 20, 2024

NYSTIA Lunch & Learn Webinar # 16 Recap:

During last week's Lunch and Learn webinar Scott Swagler from Merani Hotel Group Properties and Chad Hendricks from Experienced Associates presented their topic Generating ROI with International Students/Workers. 

Some insights from the webinar:

Scott Swagler

  • Case Study
    • J-1 Employer Engagement 
      • Scott's organization employs 90 students at 3 hotel properties in Niagara Falls NY
    • Are Students Prepared?
      • Look for their attitude, aptitude, language, education
    • Logistics
      • Have trained staff to onboard
      • Treated like every other employee
        • Same rated pay, put into time clocks, overtime, comply with same laws, pay taxes
      • Start the process in the Fall, by January have the applications done and start the vetting process. By March have selected the students, and figuring out which students were denied by the embassy 
      • Work with the hosts organizations
      • Source housing that is safe, walking distance and acceptable 
  • Benefits from Exchange Students Studying in NYS:
    • 2022/23 Academic Year:
      • Census: 126,782 students enrolled
      • Location: 163 campuses - all vacation regions in NYS
      • Economic Impact: $5.8 billion tuition, room and board
      • Employment: 50,430 NYS jobs supported
      • Estimated $500,000,000 in additional discretionary spending

Chad Hendricks (J1 Visa)

  • Basic Info - Summer Work
    • Length of Stay
      • Vary by Country
    • Housing
      • Participants must have safe and affordable housing while they are on their programs
    • Requirements
      • Positions must be season temporary, not displace American workers, and pay must be commensurate with US Counterparts
    • Direct Contact with Sponsor
      • Keep in contact with visa sponsor for any emergencies and mediating any concerns
    • Cost
      • The cost an employer pays is training
      • Students are paying to come
      • Some employers take their students on trips to see other parts of the country to enhance their experience
  • Basic Info - Intern/Trainee
    • Start Dates are year round
    • Housing requirements
    • Types of Employment
      • Culinary, Food & Bev., Guest Services, Housekeeping Supervisor, Tourism Management, Winery Operations, etc
      • Must relate to the college degree
    • Intern
      • 1,600 in NY currently
      • Currently enrolled or graduated in last 12 months
    • Trainee
      • 2,200 in NY currently
      • Degreed, Professional certificate or 5 years work experience
  • New Country: Eswatini
    • New possibilities
    • Less competition
    • Help wanted
  • International Students are mainly studying in:
    • Associate Degree in International Tourism
    • Associate Degree in Hotel Management
    • Associate Degree in Business Management

We would like to give our sincere thanks to Scott Swagler and Chad Hendricks for providing their time and valuable insights on their program, Generating ROI with International Students/Workers. You can learn more about Merani Hotel Group Properties and Experienced Associates by visiting their websites. 

The recording and slide decks can be viewed below.