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Destination on the Left Virtual Summit: April 1 - 3

Mar 27, 2020

April 1 -3: See below for the Destination on the Left Virtual Summit schedule of presentations. The virtual summit is FREE and there is no obligation for you to attend every session or every day.

Register for FREE here! Note: presentation times are listed in EST.

Wednesday, April 1

  • 1PM: Destination Marketing: Strategies for getting through a pandemic presented by Jennifer Barbee, Destination Innovate
  • 2PM: Responsible Marketing: presented by Dan Janes, Madden Media
  • 3PM: Webinar Best Practices for Tourism Businesses: presented by Adena Miller, Break the Ice Media

Thursday, April 2

  • 12PM: 5 Steps to Get More Group Tours: presented by Sally Berry, Bristol Creek Tourism Consulting
  • 1PM: Getting Your Business Group Ready: presented by Rhonda Vaccaro, Break the Ice Media
  • 2PM: Travel Trade Show Marketing Insights: presented by Rose Hapanowich, Destiny USA
  • 3PM: Focus on Family Travel: presented by Rainer Jens, Family Travel Association
  • 4PM: Using Technology: for Increasing Tour Operator Efficiency & Profit: presented by Jesse Aujla, Groupstr

Friday, April 3

  • 12PM: Food Tourism Marketing in a Post-Pandemic Era: presented by Erik Wolf, World Food Travel Association
  • 1PM: Creating an Unforgettable Brand for your Tourism or Craft Beverage Destination: presented by Glenn Clark, Crafting A Brand
  • 2PM: Consumer First Marketing for Tourism: presented by Josiah Brown, New York Sherpa
  • 3PM: Post-pandemic Marketing: Trends to Watch & Surviving in a Cookie-less World presented by Andria Godfrey, ADARA

The virtual summit is FREE and there is no obligation for you to attend every session or every day. You can choose which sessions are most important to you and schedule around them. You will also have 30 days to watch each presentation after it goes live. If the timing doesn't fit in your schedule, you can watch later.

Register for FREE here.

We look forward to having you join us April 1-3!


Nicole Mahoney