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Premier Travel Media

7th Annual New York Special Section Featuring New York’s Great Outdoors!

Leisure Group Travel’s October edition will be featuring our New York special section!

Our October edition of Leisure Group Travel is our Women’s Travel edition with Beaches and Mountains as our theme. We will be featuring our annual New York special section with a special editorial on New York’s Great Outdoors and the History of New York City’s Arts and Culture!

Our Leisure Group Travel Platform is the go-to-brand for group marketing with (12,000 print subscribers), on (200,000 annual visitors) and our weekly e-newsletter (10,000 subscribers). Align your brand with us and become a go-to-choice for group trips.

Whether you are an attraction, restaurant or a destination, the New York Special Section in October’s Leisure Group Travel is the right place and the right time to share your unique message. Publishes in October 2024 where your message will be seen during appointment setting for ABA Marketplace. Advertisers will be surrounded by insightful editorial content, and you’ll be talking to tour planners as they develop their 2025 itineraries. Space closes August 16th

October edition pdf 710.3 KB

A Very Special Opportunity for NYSTIA Members!

  • Purchase a half-page ad or larger or a full-page Itinerary in October’s edition and receive:
    • 1/6-page ad with sponsored editorial in our December edition of Leisure Group Travel in our Group Travel Destinations special section FREE!

December's edition of Leisure Group Travel is the one that people look forward to all year.

  • Includes our Industry Forecast
  • Features our Titans of Tourism
  • Group Travel Destinations (GTD): Our very popular GTD will be showcasing what's new and significant to the Travel Industry within six U.S. regions and Canada.

Don’t miss out on this great opportunity for NYSTIA Members, contact Diane today!

Contact Diane with your needs or questions:

Diane Meglino
Business Development Manager
Premier Travel Media
P: 630.794.0696 xt 509
C: 610.283.6160