2024 Marketing Initiative: 'Destination START-UP' Lead Generation
Traveler-Intender Engagement & Lead Generation with the '24/7/52 NYS Virtual Travel Show' on TravelGuidesFree.com!
NYSTIA's Destination 'START-UP' Lead Generation Initiative is now available for New York State destinations new* to the '24/7/52 NYS Virtual Travel Show' on TravelGuidesFree.com!
- Participants receive a $1000 intro package ($100 destination content creation and an initial 3-month $900 participation schedule) with the special NYSTIA 'START-UP' investment of just $501!
- Participants receive a guaranteed 600 unique leads over the initial 3-months (with your $501 net investment, that's under $1/lead)!
- Eligible participants must register by January 31, 2025 and pages must be live by February 17, 2025.
* New participants eligible for the NYSTIA 'START-UP' Program are defined as New York State destinations or attractions that have either never participated in the '24/7/52 NYS Virtual Travel Show' or that have been absent from the program since December, 2023.
DETAILS: Lead Generation Program with the '24/7/52 NYS Virtual Consumer Travel Show' on www.TravelGuidesFree.com.
- Always Open Travel Show: Digital program providing the opportunity to reach active travelers interested in visiting your destination through Travel Guide (print and/or digital) distribution.
- Build Your Marketing Lists: Receive weekly lead reports with 100% validated contact information including full name, address, email and demographic information and opt-in confirmation.
- Program With ROI: This program delivers an average ROI of approximately 29x your investment with 71.5% of our travelers (leads) already visited or planned to visit within 90 days of requesting a guide.
**NYSTIA members receive up to 50% in added value!
This project is supported in part by the New York State Tourism Industry Association and by a Market New York grant from Empire State Development and I LOVE NY/New York State’s Division of Tourism, awarded through the Regional Economic Development Council initiative.
Madelyn Roberts
V.P. Advertising Director/Consultant
The Travel Guide Group
Email: Madelyn.Roberts1@gmail.com
M: 516.662.9555