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Wednesday Webinar: Take Your Vacation

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Online / Virtual Event

At the NYS Tourism Excellence Summit, NYSTIA’s Bob Provost highlighted an eye-opening stat: New Yorkers leave 40 million days of paid time off (PTO) unused yearly. Even more—12 million of these days, worth over $3 billion in benefits, expire annually. Imagine the impact if New Yorkers used this time to travel, rejuvenate, and explore New York State!

For New York’s Tourism Industry: An additional 12 million days of travel could mean a $1.9 billion boost for local tourism.

Take Action! NYSTIA is excited to launch a new campaign to encourage New Yorkers to use their PTO right here at home! Access our new resource page, download the social media toolkit, and sign up for tomorrow’s webinar to kick off this statewide initiative.

At the NYS Tourism Excellence Summit, NYSTIA’s Bob Provost highlighted an eye-opening stat: New Yorkers leave 40 million days of paid time off (PTO) unused yearly. Even more—12 million of these days, worth over $3 billion in benefits, expire annually. Imagine the impact if New Yorkers used this time to travel, rejuvenate, and explore New York State!

For New York’s Tourism Industry: An additional 12 million days of travel could mean a $1.9 billion boost for local tourism.

Take Action! NYSTIA is excited to launch a new campaign to encourage New Yorkers to use their PTO right here at home! Access our new resource page, download the social media toolkit, and sign up for tomorrow’s webinar to kick off this statewide initiative.

NYSTIA is hosting weekly virtual workshops in an informal, "coffee and conversation" format from 9:15 am to 9:45 am every Wednesday from October 2nd to December 11, 2024.  

NYSTIA Wednesday Webinars are briskly paced, informative and themed to provide tactical 'know how' and 'how to' insights into best practice tourism-related marketing/management.

We encourage NYSTIA 'Members-with-Members' to invite their members to register. Each webinar is recorded and archived for post-event access.

Check out our Spring 2024 Lunch & Learn Webinar series wrap-up for recaps of all 16 webinars presented January through May, 2024. Each recap includes a bullet-point summary, slide decks, and a video recording.

Any questions should be directed to Brooke Wilson -

- Brooke Wilson

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with Mark Luciano, Brookfield Renewable U. S.
with Jessie McNaughton from the NY Fiber Trail
with Seth Orozco from Sojern
with Bridget Cerrone from Advance Media NY
with Elissa Mitchell from Corporate Communications
with Bob Provost, NYSTIA President & CEO
with Jonathan Keslow from Epsilon
with Josiah Brown from Famous Destination Marketing, Inc.
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