Success in School Partnerships
Event Details
Museum and school partnerships offer many benefits for both museums and schools, fostering a more holistic approach to learning. Founded in 1994, The NYC Museum School is a groundbreaking public secondary school that leverages museums and cultural resources to spark curiosity, support student success and serves as a learning laboratory and the ultimate museum-school partnership.
Learning Through Art is the Guggenheim Museum’s hallmark artist-in-residency program, sending experienced teaching artists into New York City public schools where they collaborate with classroom teachers to develop, facilitate, and integrate art projects into the school curriculum.
Join MANY and MuseumHue to learn more from The NYC Museum School co-founders, Ronald Chaluisan, then an experienced classroom teacher and now a leader in education reform, and Sonnet Takahisa, a long time museum educator, offer a brief history and discuss the context for the school's planning, the development of logistics and pedagogical practices, and reflect on organizational partnering and their thirty-plus years of personal and professional collaboration. Michelle Wohlgemuth, Manager of School Programs at the Guggenheim Museum will share how Learning Through Art has served over 150,000 students from diverse economic and cultural backgrounds in all five boroughs of New York City