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State of the American Traveler - Destination Stewardship Edition

Event Details

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Online / Virtual Event

The Destination Stewardship Edition (formerly known as the Destination Management Edition) of The State of the American Traveler uncovers the latest research and global insights on sustainability, responsible travel, and destination management, including both challenges and opportunities. This webinar will look at how destination organizations and their tourism partners can balance the needs of the community and the natural environment while maintaining a thriving, resilient business sector. 

Future Partners' custom analysis will reveal U.S. travelers’ current sentiment toward the impact of tourism on destinations and their local communities as well as how the travel experience could become more sustainable.

Two guest speakers will make a special appearance for a dynamic conversation around short-term rentals (STRs). Lucy Kay with Breckenridge Tourism Office and Bryson Frazier with Visit Galveston are part of two destinations leading the way in STR management as major regulation and management changes continue to occur everywhere. They will talk about how their destinations are balancing the needs of the local community with those of STR guests, hosts and other stakeholders.

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